With Memorial Day a week away, now is the perfect time to reflect on what Memorial Day truly is about, and how you can properly pay tribute to those that have served our country. While many use Memorial Day and the long weekend to throw a party with friends and family, it’s important not to forget the real meaning behind the holiday.

On Memorial Day, we respect the soldiers and veterans who are, and were courageous enough to stand up for causes bigger than them. On Monday, May 26th, we come together to honor and remember those that have served in our nation’s service.


It’s easy to forget the meaning and traditions behind Memorial Day, but this year you can make a difference. Along with throwing a party to commemorate the life of a veteran in your family, you can also participate in parades, as most cities and towns host a Memorial Day parade that incorporates military personnel and members of many veterans’ organizations. Visiting cemeteries and memorials to honor those that passed away is one of the ways you can best respect those veterans.


We at Eheart Interior Solutions celebrate our Veterans every day by teaming up with Pets for Patriots. Dedicated to bringing pets and service men together in a lifelong bond of mutual friendship, Pets for Patriots thrives on supporting current military and Veterans. If you know any member of the military community who is looking to adopt an adult dog or pet, visit https://petsforpatriots.org/ for more information.


How do you honor veterans on Memorial Day?